Salisbury District Hospital goes live with Acolyte Biomedica’s BacLite®flex system for rapid MRSA screening

21 May 2006
Kerry Parker

Salisbury District Hospital has announced their decision to introduce Acolyte’s new BacLite® flex Rapid MRSA system for screening of patients. Salisbury District Hospital has been one of the primary evaluation sites for this innovative new technology within the NHS.

Stuart Matthews, Laboratory Manager commented “As part of the evaluation process we were able to clearly identify the impact of this rapid technology on our screening programme. Its excellent performance enables us to screen for negatives within one working day delivering valuable information to our infection control team”. He added, “We are introducing BacLite® flex Rapid MRSA for high risk areas starting with ITU, Acute Orthopaedics, In-patient contacts and Burns and plan to extend this to all in-patient screening in the future”.

Tim Coombs, Chairman of Acolyte added “We are delighted that Salisbury District Hospital has decided to introduce the BacLite® flex Rapid MRSA system. We believe that the benefits identified at Salisbury will be of interest to other NHS Trusts in their efforts to address Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAI)”.

Bernie Almond, Divisional Director of BioStat Healthcare Ltd said “ As the exclusive UK distributor of this innovative new technology we are confident that the routine introduction of the BacLite® flex Rapid MRSA system at Salisbury District Hospital will be followed by many opportunities in other NHS sites in the UK”.
