Sapphire FL imaging of multiplex fluorescent immunohistochemistry slides

4 Jul 2024

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a widely used technique for identifying antigens in tissue specimens on slides. While IHC slides are typically imaged using a microscope, fluorescent scanners like the Sapphire™ FL Biomolecular Imager are useful for rapid triage and whole-slide documentation. Azure Biosystems demonstrates the use of the Sapphire FL Biomolecular Imager to image a multiplex fluorescent IHC experiment. Using standard optical modules, the Sapphire FL is used to detect two antigens in a tissue section of mouse lung. Discover how using the Sapphire FL for rapid triage allows researchers to quickly select the best slides for microscopic analysis. In addition, images of whole slides (compared to small sections of slides captured by microscopes) can supplement microscope images and assist in documentation.

