SCHOTT® IllumaMed and Universal Light Guide Now Available in Different Colors

26 Feb 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

This year, the international technology group SCHOTT’s attendance of MEDTEC is devoted to introducing a wide range of new colors. The new LED light source that is now being serially manufactured in different colors for use in SCHOTT® IllumaMed is presented for the first time. The Universal Light Guide is also on display in bright sheathing. The lighting solutions specialist showcases its products for use in medical technology and clinical applications at booth 1J60.

The new SCHOTT® IllumaMed light source is a small, extremely efficient LED source developed especially for use with both the flexible and rigid sidelight components that SCHOTT offers. These sidelights are ideally suited for use in ambient lighting as well as functional lighting of buildings or devices. The LED light source is predestined for applications that call for extremely high light output yet offer only very limited installation space. “From now on, we will also be offering this light source from serial manufacturing in the versions RGB, only red, only green, only blue and red/green,” explains Jörg Warrelmann, Business Manager for Medical at SCHOTT Lighting and Imaging.

The “Universal Light Guide” from SCHOTT for use in medical applications is based on the environmentally friendly, lead-free glass fibers PURAVIS™ that the company has already been using in serial manufacturing since the product was first launched in the fall of 2012. Only recently, this light guide was introduced in several different colors that are now also being serially manufactured. SCHOTT offers sheathing in blue, red, green, yellow and gray.

PURAVIS™ fibers and the other materials used are designed to meet the special requirements of disinfecting and autoclaving. This extends the service life of the light guide and thus lowers the operating costs during long-term use.

The successful market launch of high-purity PURAVIS™ glass optical fibers has been underway for a year now. “The feedback from our customers has been extremely positive and we are now in the process of switching products that are based on glass optical fibers over to PURAVIS™ together with our customers. We offer our new PURAVIS™ fibers whenever we receive new product inquiries,” Warrelmann adds.

By relying on select raw materials, SCHOTT has managed to increase the transmission of white light by as much as 10 percent. Because colors hardly shift at all, even when longer light guides are used, illuminated objects retain their natural color. PURAVIS™ is thus particularly well-suited for use in medical applications like endoscopy and surgical microscopy.

SCHOTT is also presenting its new technology for disinfecting water at MEDTEC: an extremely compact glass module that uses UV light to eliminate germs directly at the tapping point. The unique thing about it is that the UV technology that SCHOTT uses is designed in such a way that it can be installed directly in water faucets or medical treatment devices. The system is also extremely durable and requires hardly any maintenance at all. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for devices with slow water flow. It also meets the standards NSF55 and DVWG W294.

