SCIEX Debuts Breakthrough Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry Technology at ASMS 2019

Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry technology, incorporating the Open Port Interface and Acoustic Droplet Ejection, is introduced ahead of commercialization

3 Jun 2019
Holly McHugh
Administrator / Office Personnel

SCIEX, a global leader in life science analytical technologies, introduces Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry (AEMS) technology, a milestone for the future of high-throughput quantification, at ASMS 2019. AEMS technology, incorporating the Open Port Interface (OPI) and Acoustic Droplet Ejection (ADE), has received unprecedented enthusiasm from collaborators, leading SCIEX to introduce the technology ahead of commercialization. SCIEX intends to bring the technology to market as Echo MS.

Upon commercialization, Echo MS has the potential to redefine current and future laboratory workflows in Pharma ADME, synthetic biology, food testing and clinical research, opening a new frontier in contactless sampling and delivering rich data sets. In early testing, AEMS technology has shown the potential to reduce screening times, from 115 days to 4 days for 1 million compounds.

Additional achievements of AEMS technology include:

  • Up to 50x faster sample analysis, delivering rich data sets and reducing the risk of missing lead compounds
  • Accelerated speed of analysis, capable of up to 3 samples per second– 180 samples/min, 11,000 samples/hour, 260,000 samples/day
  • Low CV’s quantification (5–8%) , leading to high reproducibility regardless of the matrix
  • Sample analysis direct from the plate – no LC required, eliminating carry over and errors

“This latest achievement is truly an innovation for the industry. AEMS technology demonstrates how we have once again pushed the boundaries of what is possible in quantification, to enable our customers to maximize their workflows and analyze samples faster than ever before,” says Dominic Gostick, Vice President and General Manager, LC-MS, SCIEX.

AEMS technology is a breakthrough conceived by the Open Innovation Project, a collaboration between SCIEX and The Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Led by industry pioneer and SCIEX Principal Research Scientist, Tom Covey, the Open Innovation Project developed the OPI, a key part of AEMS technology.

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