SciGene Introduces CytoZyme™ Stabilized Pepsin at 2013 ACMG Meeting

19 Mar 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

SciGene announced today at the Annual College of Medical Genetics Meeting (ACMG) in Phoenix, AZ the launch of CytoZyme™ Stabilized Pepsin, an advanced formulation of pepsin for pre-treating tissue samples in nucleic acid probe based cytogenetic assays including FISH. CytoZyme is a ready-to-use solution of purified pepsin that can be stored in the refrigerator without loss of activity. It replaces dry powder forms of pepsin that vary in activity that can negatively affect test results.

According to Jim Stanchfield, PhD, President and CEO of SciGene, "Variability in FISH/ISH test results is frequently traceable to the protease used to pre-treat patient samples prior to hybridization with nucleic acid probes. CytoZyme provides reliable activity day-to-day and lot-to-lot thereby eliminating variation in protease treatment as a common source of test variability in cytogenetic labs."
