Scottish biotech consortium to create new generation of drug tests

22 Feb 2008

A consortium of three Ayrshire companies has secured investment to commence work on a project that will build the next generation of tools for use in the discovery of new drugs.

Avanticell Science, an established biotech company located in Auchincruive, Scotland specialising in cell biology and cell culture will lead the consortium which includes the Ayr based biomaterials, biodegradables and controlled delivery specialists, Giltech Limited and Culzean Medical Devices Ltd who design and manufacture implantable medical products at its Prestwick cleanroom facility.

The two-year, £1 million project will be co-funded by the Technology Strategy Board, the public body set up by the Government to promote technological innovation.

Avanticell and its partners will combine their unique expertise to create a new generation of three-dimensional cell-based tests, known as assays, to open the door to a new era in drug discovery.

Successful cell-based assays can identify new pharmaceuticals and evaluate their safety before testing in clinical trials. They play a significant role in reducing the need for animal testing in drug discovery.

Current cell-based drug tests use conventional flat layers of cell cultures, which can have limitations. Success in this area relies on the behaviour of the living cells resembling their behaviour in the human body and three-dimensional cell cultures are much more likely to achieve this.

Avanticell will combine its cell culture technology excellence with Giltech’s and Culzean’s bio-engineering expertise to put living cells into a three dimensional scaffold. The development of 3D cell-based assays will be a first for the UK’s biotechnology sector.

Avanticell CEO, Jo Oliver, said, “The project will result in the next generation of cell-based assays, accelerating and reducing the cost of new drug development to treat life-threatening diseases such as cancer. AvantiCell is delighted to lead a consortium focused on these new tools as part of the company’s commitment to becoming a leader in the field of ethical testing of both conventional pharmaceuticals and traditional medicines from natural products.”

David Healy, Director of Research and Development at Giltech Ltd. added, “The considerable challenges in this project require the integration of specialised and diverse expertise from each of the partners. What we learn from this development will further expand our understanding of the limits of our materials’ capabilities and will lead us to new and emerging markets for our products.”

Culzean Medical MD, David M Richmond, said, “The project gives us a great opportunity to provide an innovative and proprietary solution to treat life threatening diseases and promote the unique skills of the Ayrshire based consortium partners.”

Scottish Enterprise played a key role in supporting the ambitious plans of the consortium. The organisation will continue to work with the companies to encourage their growth and success. Jim Glover, growing business manager, Scottish Enterprise, said:

“This is an excellent example of collaboration in one of Scotland’s growing industries.
It clearly demonstrates the wealth of experience, knowledge and innovation in Ayrshire’s business base. Scotland is one of the UK’s leading locations for life sciences investment, underpinned by a world class academic base and home to fifteen per cent of all life sciences companies in the UK.”

