ScreeningTool: A New Robot System for Automated Drug Screening on Xenopus Oocytes

20 Jun 2006
Kerry Parker

npi electronic presents the new ScreeningTool, a robot system for automated drug screening using Xenopus oocytes. It is based on a collaboration with Prof. Steffen Hering from the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the University of Vienna. ScreeningTool introduces the millisecond resolution and high speed voltage clamping to the field of automatic drug screening.

ScreeningTool represents a new system for automated high precision drug testing on Xenopus laevis oocytes. It is an integrated system combining high end TECAN dispenser technology with conventional two electrode voltage clamp. This channel screening device is designed for studies of ligand gated ion channels as well as for voltage gated channels. Voltage clamp experiments are performed in a 15 µl bath covered by a glass plate with a funnel for precise drug application from the TECAN laboratory sample processor under software control.

ScreeningTool enables fast exchange rates and minimizes the consumption of test solutions to small amounts in the 100 µl range. Current rise times (time t10–90%) between 50 and 150 ms are typical for a 10–90% increase of drug induced current. Voltage clamping is performed using npi’s TURBO TEC series of amplifiers which are known for their high speed and precision.

It’s flexible fluid application and high performance voltage clamp makes it highly suitable for drug screening on ligand and voltage gated ion channels.

Ref: Khom S, Baburin I, Timin EN, Hohaus A, Sieghart W, Hering S. Pharmacological properties of GABAA receptors containing gamma1 subunits. Mol Pharm. 2006;69(2):640-9.

