SEAL Analytical Focuses On Reliable High-Throughput Analysis

SEAL Analytical Focuses On Reliable High-Throughput Analysis

2 Feb 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

The SEAL Analytical booth (3831, 3931) at Pittcon 2016 will provide visitors with an opportunity to see the latest technologies in sample digestion systems and colorimetric nutrient analysis instruments.

SEAL will feature their range of new AQ automated discrete analyzers and segmented flow analyzers - for high-speed, greater capacity, improved reproducibility and greater flexibility. SEAL will also show their range of simple and automated sample preparation/digestion systems for Metals, TP and TKN digestion.

A major feature of the SEAL booth will be the new AQ400 automated discrete analyzer. The AQ400, manufactured by SEAL in the US, has been designed to provide even greater speed and capacity, with improved reproducibility and greater flexibility. The AQ400 has all the advantages of discrete analysis; auto-standard preparation, auto-dilution, automatic method changeover and low reagent consumption. Regulatory approved applications (EPA, ISO) include nutrients such as nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate, Chromium VI, TKN, TP etc. in water, wastewater, soils, extracts and digests.

SEAL’s range of discrete analyzers offer minimal operator involvement and the ability to run many different tests on each sample in the same run.

For those laboratories that require high throughput, accurate analysis with very low detection limits for large numbers of samples, there will be an opportunity to see automated segmented flow analyzers (the QuAAtro39 for example can run up to 600 tests per hour).

The company’s expert chemists will be on hand to help customers decide which method best meets their needs.

Further information on SEAL Analytical’s products can be found at

