Secure Labelling for Cryogenics

23 May 2006
Kerry Parker

Most label products are not suitable for use below -20°C. Tubees® Micryo labels have been developed by Camlab Plastics specifically for cryogenic applications and provide a secure, reliable and easy-to-use solution down to -196°C.

Most label adhesives for use at these temperatures require self-lamination, i.e. two adhesive-bearing surfaces need to be pressed together to form a secure bond. This can make the labelling cumbersome, particularly with very small vials. With the unique pressure sensitive adhesive formulation used on Micryo labels there is no need to self-laminate and the labels can be applied directly to a wide range of surfaces - polypropylene, polycarbonate and many other plastics, glass and metal. The adhesive cures in a few minutes to a bond that is not only secure at very low temperatures but is also compatible with liquid nitrogen in both liquid and vapour phases.

Micryo Dots and Micryo Strips come in a range of sizes for different applications - from cryovials and PCR tubes to microtitre plates and storage boxes, and in bright colours for easy identification in situ. Both can be supplied on rolls for manual marking or on printer-compatible sheets.

Visit for more information or contact Camlab on +44 (0)1954 233110. Camlab welcomes distribution enquiries for these unique products.

