Seegene Study Concludes that Multi-Pathogen Diagnostics are Critical for Accurately Diagnosing Infectious Diseases

23 Oct 2007

Seegene today made public the results of several clinical studies seeking to measure the rate of accurately diagnosing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and respiratory virus (RV) infections among infected populations.

The studies carried out in Korea and Japan compared conventional single-pathogen tests against Seegene’s simultaneous multi-pathogen test systems. The results effectively conclude that conventional testing regimens relying on single pathogen tests leave an alarmingly high percentage of patient infections undiagnosed.

Highlights of the results conclude that:

  • A large percentage of respiratory infections go undiagnosed: From a pool of 903 respiratory patient samples, an astounding 72% tested positive for a RV infection when monitored by Seegene’s 12-plex multi-RV detection system. Using a conventional single RV detection system those same 903 patient samples yielded only a 5% positive infection rate of influenza A, 8% for influenza B, 16% of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) A, and 14% of RSV B.
  • A large percentage of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) go undiagnosed: From a pool of 673 STD patient samples, Seegene’s 6-plex multi-STD detection system yielded an STD infection rate of 81%, and a co-infection (two or more pathogens) rate of 24%. With conventional routine testing for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, only 16% and 5% of the respective infections were detected.

At the recent 11th Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry (APCCB), Dr. Chang-Seok Ki of Samsung Medical Center and Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine in Seoul, Korea, who performed the RV study said, “The Seeplex multiplex-PCR assay is a viable alternative to conventional VC/IF-based test methods, making it a suitable diagnostic modality for respiratory disease.”

Dr. Ki added, “Additionally, the Seeplex system achieves its sensitivity within 24 hours compared to a viral culture can take up to a week. Our data suggests that Seeplex tests will help reduce the incidence of nosocomial transmission to high risk patients, and improve the clinical management through the use of appropriate and directed treatment after diagnosis."

Jong-Yoon Chun, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Seegene, stated, “The result of these studies, carried out by a world-class consortium of hospitals, is clear: only a multi-pathogen detection system like Seegene’s is able to correctly diagnose a wide range of infectious diseases accurately, as well as simultaneously. Without Seegene too many diseases risk going undetected with potentially disastrous results for patients.”

Seegene recently announced its Seeplex® 18-plex Respiratory Pathogen Test, which today is the only diagnostic test capable of simultaneously detecting 18 of the most prevalent respiratory infections – both virus and bacteria born – in a single test. The Seeplex® 18-plex Respiratory Pathogen Test detects 11 different respiratory RNA viruses, 2 DNA viruses, and 5 pneumonia bacteria from samples including nasopharyngeal aspirates, nasopharyngeal swabs and bronchoalveolar lavage.

Seeplex tests are based on Dual Priming Oligo (DPO) for blocking extension of non-specific primed templates, thereby generating consistently high PCR specificity even under less than optimal PCR conditions.

The RV infection study was carried by the Samsung Medical Center, Inje University College of Medicine Sanggye-Paik Hospital, Korea University Anam Hospital, Korea University Guro Hospital and Dankook University. The STD infection study was carried out by the Chung-Ang University Young-San Hospital, Eone Reference Laboratory in Korea, and Leisure, Inc. in Japan.

