Seegene to Introduce Groundbreaking Detection Technology for TB Mutations at AACC 2012

4 Jul 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Seegene Inc., a developer of multiplex molecular diagnostic technologies and tests, has announced that it will introduce QuantplexTM MTB/MDR/XDR Detection, a real time test that detects Mycobacterium tuberculosis and resistance mutations associated with multiple drug resistant (MDR) and extensively drug resistant (XDR) forms of M. tuberculosis at the 2012 American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) annual meeting, held in Los Angeles, from July 17-19.

The new test is based on powerful enhancements to the company's TOCETM technology, called Cleavage Site Specific Extension (TOCE-CSSE), which enables high multiplex mutation detection of disease.

Tuberculosis (TB) is still one of the most serious threats to human health in the world today. Current diagnosis of MDR and XDR TB is primarily based on mycobacterial culture and drug susceptibility testing in liquid or on solid media, with results available in six to eight weeks. The rapid diagnosis of drug resistance is essential to initiate effective antibiotic therapies and prevent the transmission of drug-resistant strains of the disease.

The QuantplexTM MTB/MDR/XDR Detection is a first-in-class diagnostic test that will give healthcare workers a power tool in their efforts to slow the spread of, and eradicate tuberculosis. QuantplexTM MTB/MDR/XDR Detection can detect the presence of M. tuberculosis and determine whether any of eighteen rifampicin or seven isoniazid resistance mutations are present. Additionally, the assay will enable clinicians to determine whether seven quinolone resistance mutations or six resistance mutations to injectable drugs are present.

"We have developed a low-cost and widely applicable real-time PCR assay for rapid detection of drug resistant M. tuberculosis. This new method has been proven to be efficient and reliable in detecting a wide variety of mutations in clinical isolates," said Dr. Jong-Yoon Chun, founder, CTO and CEO of Seegene.

"Cleavage Site Specific Extension is a natural extension and progression of the TOCE technology. The ability to detect and differentiate mutations - point mutations, insertions and deletions - is critical for the future of molecular diagnostics. The technologies that we are introducing today have the needs of tomorrow in mind.
TOCE for mutation detection and differentiation will help empower molecular diagnostics to take the next steps towards personalized patient care."

Dr. Chun added, "We want to make the technology widely available to the market. We believe that TOCE has the potential to invigorate the businesses of traditional diagnostic companies, and 'wake up' a large portion of the market to new opportunities in molecular diagnostics. That is why we are initiating an aggressive licensing and OEM campaign to make this technology broadly available, as quickly as possible."

You can visit Seegene at booth #523 at AACC in Los Angeles July 17 - 19th, 2012.

