SelectScience<sup>®</sup> Announces ‘Buy Now’ Feature and 300% Increase in Quote Requests
17 Dec 2015
SelectScience® has launched a new ‘Buy Now’ feature, linking directly to manufacturer e-commerce, making it easy for scientist buyers to purchase products quickly. In addition, scientists are now requesting 300x product quotes, with timelines to buy, from suppliers via SelectScience.
This step-change is a result of changing scientist buyer trends and fueled by the SelectScience Google-approved Reviews Program.
Kerry Parker, Editor-in-Chief of SelectScience, said: “Recent independent research highlights that scientist buyers are researching technologies and making decisions more quickly in 2016, and that their no.1 preferred information source is independent user reviews and testimonials. We are proud to provide improved features and services to help scientists accelerate their work.”
SelectScience is the first place I go to.
Chris Bianca JRF America
Chris Bianca, from JRF America, said: “SelectScience is the first place I go to. If we’re getting ready to spend $500,000 on an instrument, I want to know from the people who have bought it already what the performance is and what they are getting out of it."
With a rolling program of further developments and improvements under way, this superb rise is expected to continue over the coming months.
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