SelectScience Opens Voting for Best Drug Discovery Product of the Year 2012

23 Jul 2013
Laura Burnett

SelectScience is now inviting scientists to vote for the best Drug Discovery Product of the Year 2012. The award is part of The Scientists' Choice Awards, where laboratory products are nominated and voted for by scientists.

The winning product will be recognised as having significantly contributed towards laboratory efforts in 2012. The nominees were defined by an online survey to SelectScience Drug Discovery members worldwide. The products nominated represent both brand new and established technology.

Nominees for Drug Discovery Product of the Year 2012
• Synergy NEO HTS Multi-Mode Reader - BioTek
• Hewlett-Packard (HP) D300 Digital Dispenser - HP/Tecan
• GravityPLUS™ plate - InSphero
• Biacore™ 4000 - GE Healthcare
• LabChip® GX - PerkinElmer, Inc.
• Bravo Automated Liquid Handling Platform - Agilent Technologies
• Thermo Scientific Multidrop Combi nL - Thermo Fisher Scientific

All scientists contributing to the voting will be entered into a prize draw to win a Kindle Fire. Voting closes on the 19th August.

The winner of the Scientists' Choice Best Drug Discovery Product of the Year will be announced at this year's ELRIG Drug Discovery exhibition in Manchester, UK.

To vote and be in with a chance to winning a Kindle Fire please click here.

