SelectScience Scientists’ Choice Awards for Drug Discovery & Development Product of the Year 2014 to be Announced at Elrig Drug Discovery 2014

18 Aug 2014
Kerry Parker

The winner of the SelectScience Scientists’ Choice Awards for the Drug Discovery & Development Product of 2014 will be announced at the ELRIG Drug Discovery conference, UK, on September 2nd 2014.

SelectScience has invited scientists to nominate and vote in the Scientists’ Choice Awards for the Drug Discovery & Development Product of 2014. The Scientists' Choice Awards celebrate the best laboratory technologies of the year.

The winning product will be recognized as having significantly contributed towards laboratory efforts in 2014.

Nominees for Drug Discovery & Development Product of the Year:

Biomek® 4000 Laboratory Automation Workstation, Beckman Coulter
CLARIOstar® Microplate Reader, BMG LABTECH
ImageXpress® Micro XLS Widefield High Content Screening System, Molecular Devices®
EnSight™ Multimode Plate Reader, PerkinElmer, Inc.
Echo® 525 Liquid Handler, Labcyte Inc.

The winner of the SelectScience Scientists’ Choice Awards for the Drug Discovery & Development Product of 2014 will be announced at the ELRIG Drug Discovery conference, Manchester, UK, on September 2nd 2014, (evening drinks reception).

About The Scientists’ Choice Awards
SelectScience, an independent, expert-led scientific review resource for the worldwide scientific community, began the Scientists’ Choice Awards in 2007 to enable scientists to voice their opinions on the best laboratory products. Once a year, SelectScience invites members to nominate their favorite products of the year in each category. For more information about the Scientists’ Choice Awards, visit

