Semi-Dry Blotters Allow Blotting of Larger and Thicker Gels

4 Jul 2007

Electrophoresis specialists CLEAVER SCIENTIFIC LTD, (CSL) now offer researchers and scientists a wider choice and greater flexibility thanks to the introduction of a new range of semi-dry blotting products. Typically, most semi-dry blotters are primarily designed to blot thin protein gels up to 20 x 20cm in size. However, these new CSL blotters allow users to blot larger, thicker gel sizes and also provide for Western blotting of proteins and gels up to 33 x 45cm.

CSL semi-dry blotters provide faster transfer times and low buffer volumes for improved economy in the laboratory and they can also be used for Southern blotting (of DNA) and Northern blotting (of RNA).

Other important design features include a screw secured lid which provides precise control of pressure, particularly important when blotting thicker agarose gels. This enables CSL semi-dry blotters to be used for blotting not only of proteins, traditionally associated with this type of equipment, but also of nucleic acids.

The extended Cleaver Scientific range provides researchers and scientists with greater choice and flexibility. For example, 4 different sized models are available, starting with a mini semi-dry blotter, specifically designed to blot the most popular mini sized gel up to 10 x 10cm. Next is the standard size maxi semi-dry blotter, for gel sizes up to 20 x 20cm.

The two new sizes of 20 x 50cm and 33 x 45cm, are new additions to the Cleaver Scientific range and allow blotting of larger gel sizes, such as those used in micro satellite, 2-D, oligonucleotide and DNA Fingerprinting assays. Previously, very large gels had to be cut to allow semi-dry blotting and this is no longer required with these new sized systems.

