SGX Sensortech Releases Free X-ray Transition Energies App for Smartphone or Tablet

17 Jan 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

The ever-popular SGX “Slide-rule” has joined the digital age and is now available as an “App” for iPhone and Android.

The app includes elemental properties, x-ray transition energies and reverse energy lookup.

It permits a user to specify a transition energy value in keV and automatically determines and displays the elements and 'lines' closest to this value. It also allows the user to select an element and displays it’s x-ray transition energies.

Values are based on experimental values. Where experimental values are not available the database uses theoretically derived values.

The app also includes a database with physical properties for each element.

The X-ray Transition Energies App can be downloaded from Google play and iTunes.

Click on the company website link below to learn more.
