Sheldon Announces New Anerobic SHEL LAB Bactrox Chamber

28 May 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Sheldon has announced the addition of the SHEL LAB Bactrox Chamber to its Bactron line of anerobic workstations. The Bactrox is ideal for clinical microbiology, and research microbiology such as stem cell and mammalian cancer research.

The Bactrox offers precise oxygen and carbon dioxide control from 1-20%. The SHEL LAB Bactrox Chamber preserves optimal application conditions not only during incubation but also in the chamber work station. Removal of cultures from the incubator does not require exposure of cells to undesirable oxygen or carbon dioxide levels.

The unit’s advanced atmospheric controller allows for the use of a highly accurate and long-lasting zirconium dioxide oxygen sensor, with independent oxygen and carbon dioxide control and logging. The Bactrox also has a standalone 300 plate incubator so users can comfortably work without gloves in ambient room conditions.

To minimize set-up time, the Bactrox includes an extra- large vacuum-less sample pass box that takes only sixty seconds to purge. The new design provides a vacuum-less sleeve entry into the chamber. Other features of the unit include temperature control and logging, superior condensation control, and ultra bright LED examination lights inside the chamber.

