Shimadzu Introduces AXIMA Resonance MALDI QIT TOF Mass Spectrometer

19 May 2009
Nadine Davies
Marketing / Sales

Shimadzu’s innovative research has produced a unique offering that provides an integrated approach to life science and drug development. Visit Shimadzu at ASMS 2009 to see their full range of lifescience technology, including the new AXIMA Resonance MALDI QIT TOF mass spectrometer. Check out the new AXIMA Resonance...

The AXIMA Resonance combines the simplicity of MALDI, the power of MSn, and the accuracy and resolution of TOF to provide researchers a unique solution to the next generation of structural and sequencing challenges. Designed without compromise, the AXIMA Resonance ensures confident, high-quality results with high mass resolution and mass accuracy across MS and MSn analyses, variable energy CID control on the fly, high-resolution precursor ion selection up to 1000 FWHM, and highly efficient trapping functionality. Low sample consumption allows more MSn experiments to be performed on the same sample spot.

A number of software suites, from fully automated data-dependent peptide mass fingerprinting to tissue imaging to post translational modification investigation, accelerate research.

In addition to the Resonance, we’ll be show casing our full range of MALDI instruments (Assurance, Confidence, Performance), the LCMS-IT-TOF, nano-LC, GCMS, and more.

Be sure to visit Shimadzu at their hospitality suite (Salons C-D in the Marriott) or booth #101 to learn more about the total solution to life science applications.

