Shimadzu Releases LC/MS/MS Method Package for Lipid Mediators for Enhanced Profiling Analysis in Biological Samples

16 Jun 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

A comprehensive analytical method for lipid mediators has been developed by Shimadzu together with the Department of Lipidomics faculty of medicine at the University of Tokyo. As a result of this collaborative study, Shimadzu announces the release of the LC/MS/MS Method Package for Lipid Mediators, enabling high-throughput profile analysis in the study of lifestyle-related diseases.

Shimadzu’s Method Package for Lipid Mediators is designed for profiling analysis in various biological samples. It provides a ready solution for the simultaneous analysis of 130 lipid mediators and related compounds ranging from high to low polarities. Chromatographic separation, MRM parameters, preparation techniques, and internal standard assignments are included, saving the researcher time and money in the complex task of LCMS method development.

In this package, 130 components are divided into 13 groups according to their physical properties and an internal standard is selected for each group. The choice of an appropriate internal standard for each group enables correction for extraction efficiency during sample preparation and correction for ionization efficiency during LCMS analysis.

In addition, Shimadzu has saved the researcher the task of column screening and has optimized analytical conditions in a relatively short run. This eliminates issues related to compounds sharing identical MRM transitions and being difficult to separate chromatographically. Allowing for the analysis of 130 compounds in a single injection, this method package enables separation of prostaglandins (separation of PGA2 and PGJ2), isoprostanes, and stereoisomers of leukotrienes, all of which yield exactly the same MRM transition.

For highly polar compounds, such as tetranor PGEM and tetranor PGDM, Shimadzu has developed a new injection technique for this method package. This technique, called Co-Injection, reduces peak shape-related problems and enables comprehensive analysis of lipid mediators and related compounds possessing both very high and very low polarities.

The LC/MS/MS Method Package for Lipid Mediators also includes LTC4 and other compounds which ionize efficiently in positive ESI mode. This is made possible by the high-speed polarity switching capability of Shimadzu’s LCMS-8030/8040 triple quadrupole mass spectrometers.

Disclaimer: For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

