Shimadzu’s UV-3600 Delivers High-Sensitivity UV-VIS-NIR for Nanotech

22 Oct 2006

Nanotechnology research and development promises to change the way that products from cosmetics to pharmaceuticals are manufactured. To maintain a competitive advantage, nanotechnology labs require reliable, precision instrumentation to ensure quality R&D and testing in this growing niche.

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments' (SSI) UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer delivers high-resolution spectroscopic analysis (185 nm - 3300 nm), virtually eliminating the low levels of sensitivity normally present in the NIR light range. Where typical spectrophotometers sensitivity experiences a dip between UV and NIR (1000 – 1500 nm), Shimadzu's UV-3600 three-detector system ensures high-sensitivity throughout the range.

"The high sensitivity in the 1000 – 1500 nm range is a key benefit of this instrument" said Shannon Richard, Spectroscopy Product Manager, at SSI. "High sensitivity in that range enables researchers to examine phenomenon and material characteristics that would have been masked previously, due to poor sensitivity at the detector change over in older instruments."

The UV-3600 is the world’s first three detector spectrophotometer, and is equipped with a PMT (photomultiplier tube), InGaAs (indium gallium arsenide), and PbS (lead sulfide) detector. In addition, the instrument features the world´s lowest noise level in a spectrophotometer, with <0.00003 Abs noise at 1500 nm, and a double monochromator enables resolution to 0.1 nm with ultra-low stray light (0.00005% or less at 340 nm).

UVProbe software, bundled as standard, includes functions for spectrum measurement, photometric, kinetics, and report generation. Multiple security and audit-trail functions ensure reliability and easy management of data. Optional software for the instrument enables the measurement of color and film thickness. A wide variety of accessories are available to customize the instrument, including the MPC-3100 Multi-Purpose Large-Sample Compartment, polarizers, integrating sphere attachments, sippers, and automation.

