Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Announces the Release of the New PPSQ-51A Single Reactor and PPSQ-53A Triple Reactor Protein Sequencers

Shimadzu’s new protein sequencers offer enhanced sensitivity and compliance with FDA

10 Mar 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

PPSQ-51A/53A systems use Edman degradation to cleave amino acids, one at a time, from the N-terminals of proteins, then derivatize them to PTH amino acids, and determine the sequence of amino acids using HPLC.

The new PPSQ-51A/53A protein sequencers employ Shimadzu’s SPD-M30A photodiode array detector for higher sensitivity. The detector features a capillary cell that is 8.5 times longer than standard cells, which increases sensitivity and enables the study of longer protein sequences.

PPSQ series protein sequencers separate PTH-amino acids isocratically. Isocratic sequence analysis provides more stable retention times. That means peaks detected in previous cycles can be cancelled using chromatogram subtraction, making it easier for users to identify the correct amino acid. Performing PTH-amino acid analysis in isocratic mode also enables laboratories to reduce liquid waste and running costs through mobile phase recycling.

New PPSQ software can be configured to meet a laboratory’s needs whether it is regulated, research and development, or academic. The software enables compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 guidelines with regard to security, user management, and audit trail requirements. Easy-to-use data analysis functions simplify operation, data processing and reporting. These functions allow the reprocessing of chromatograms, the overlaying of multiple chromatograms, chromatogram subtraction, and performing automatic estimation of amino acid sequences. Additionally, the PPSQ-51A/53A sequencers provide customized reports and yield graph display for a quick and comprehensive view of data.

Customers with previous models, can upgrade their existing systems to have the same sensitivity and software as the PPSQ-51A/53A instruments. Upgrade kits are available in both standard editions for high levels of flexibility as well as database and client server editions that enable 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.

