Siemens Announces Two New Companion Diagnostics Partnerships

12 Feb 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics has announced two new companion diagnostics partnerships with pharmaceutical companies ViiV Healthcare and Tocagen. The partnerships mark a major move by Siemens into the companion diagnostics segment of the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) market.

ViiV Healthcare has developed a novel CCR5 co-receptor antagonist for the treatment of CCR5-tropic HIV. The partnership with Siemens will focus on clinical trials related to the drug, Celsentri/Selzentry® (maraviroc). This will be followed by potential commercialization of a diagnostics test to assist in patient selection prior to physician treatment decisions.

In the second partnership, Siemens is to support clinical trials related to Tocagen’s unique viral therapy (Toca 511 & Toca FC), which is under investigation for the treatment of primary brain cancer. This will be followed by potential commercialization of diagnostic tests for therapy monitoring, subject to FDA approval.

Both partnerships intend to leverage the clinical trial and commercialization options within Siemens CLIA laboratory, as well as utilizing Siemens established IVD clinical and regulatory expertise. The partnerships reflect Siemens’ efforts to expand its healthcare global presence by leveraging the power of in vivo and in vitro diagnostics to impact therapeutics – one goal of the recently launched Siemens Agenda 2013, a new two-year global initiative to further strengthen the innovative power and competitiveness of the Siemens Healthcare Sector.

“Siemens’ presence in the emerging companion diagnostics market enables us to leverage our innovation capabilities and deep clinical knowledge to help improve pharmaceutical drug safety and effectiveness,” said Michael Reitermann, CEO, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics. “More so, it helps align Siemens with new classes of therapies tailored to the individual that hold the promise of improving patient care and delivering on the goal of personalized medicine.”

