Sigma-Aldrich Extract-N-Amp kits will be available as epMotion Plug’n’Prep methods

11 Jun 2008

Sigma-Aldrich® is developing optimised protocols enabling Extract-N-Amp™ kits to join a growing range of Plug’n’Prep® methods for Eppendorf AG’s epMotion. epMotion is the only open automated liquid handling system with pre-tested, ‘ready-to-go’ methods for automated nucleic acid purification.

Extract-N-Amp PCR kits offer an integrated extraction and amplification process for rapid blood, tissue or plant assays. DNA is released from virtually any sample in a 5-minute extraction process, thereby eliminating the need for any columns or tedious sample purification steps. This simple ‘lyse and go’ process is ideal for genotyping, transgene detection, knockout analysis and sequencing applications. Kits include all reagents, proprietary buffers, plus enzymes needed to rapidly extract and amplify targets. Extract-N-Amp PCR will be available as a Plug’n’Prep method for rapid automated nucleic acid extraction from animal tissue, hair, buccal swabs, whole blood, plant leaves and seeds.

Holger Eggert, Eppendorf epMotion product manager, explains the main advantages of epMotion Plug’n’Prep technology, stating “Users often do not want to be tied to one purification chemistry vendor and with this new concept in automated protocols they are free to select their preferred brand. Sigma-Aldrich joins Invitrogen, Promega, MACHEREY-NAGEL, Invitek and 5 PRIME – all of which have developed, optimised and tested epMotion Plug’n’Prep methods through intensive collaboration with Eppendorf AG. Users can simply select from over 25 different extraction kits, download the pre-tested method from and transfer the method data file to the epMotion. No further adaptation is required and as set-up time is only an hour.It’s easy to change to another purification chemistry vendor at any time.’’

epMotion pipetting systems are not only designed to be extremely simple to operate, with no need to define labware, they are also highly flexible. All typical liquid handling steps used in downstream applications can be fully automated, enabling users to walk away and perform other tasks at the same time.

All of Eppendorf’s vendor-tested epMotion Plug’n’Prep protocols can be downloaded via the article webpage.

