Sigma-Aldrich Releases WTA2, a Transplex Whole Transcriptome Amplification Technology for Degraded RNA Samples

28 Oct 2008
diane gaige
Manufacturing / Processing

Sigma-Aldrich Releases WTA2, a Transplex Whole Transcriptome Amplification Technology for Degraded RNA Samples WTA2 Kits Offer Rapid, Robust Amplification of Partially Degraded RNA.

Sigma-Aldrich today announced the launch of its TransPlex(R) Whole Transcriptome Amplification (WTA2) technology. TransPlex technology is believed to be the fastest, most sensitive and robust method available for amplifying total RNA from a variety of sample tissue sources such as animals, plants, and microorganisms. Optimized for formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue samples, WTA2 is the second addition to the patent-pending suite of WTA products designed to study RNA in vitro.

"Sigma-Aldrich is committed to bringing best-in-class technologies to the genomic research community," said Helge Bastian, Vice President of Marketing for Sigma-Aldrich's Research Biotech Business Unit. "The TransPlex(R) Whole Transcriptome Amplification product line adds an important tool for researchers who work with limited quantity and quality of RNA samples."

The TransPlex WTA technology creates a cDNA library from total RNA template and then amplifies the cDNA library in a single PCR reaction. The TransPlex reagents and protocols, optimized to ensure clonal and stochastic amplification of all expressed genes and exons, allow RNA samples to be amplified 1,000-10,000 fold in less than four hours. Sigma-Aldrich's WTA2 technology is highly robust, designed for use with RNA is partially degraded, as in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue derived from tumor samples.

About Sigma-Aldrich: Sigma-Aldrich is a leading Life Science and High Technology company. Our biochemical and organic chemical products and kits are used in scientific and genomic research, biotechnology, pharmaceutical development, the diagnosis of disease and as key components in pharmaceutical and other high technology manufacturing. We have customers in life science companies, university and government institutions, hospitals, and in industry. Over one million scientists and technologists use our products. Sigma-Aldrich operates in 36 countries and has 8,000 employees providing excellent service worldwide. Sigma-Aldrich is committed to Accelerating Customer Success through Leadership in Life Science, High Technology and Service. For more information about Sigma-Aldrich, please visit our award-winning website.

About Rubicon Genomics: Rubicon, located in Ann Arbor, MI, commercializes its OmniPlex(R) and EnzyPlex(R) families of technologies for diagnostics, research, and service. Rubicon has partnered with large diagnostic and pharmaceutical companies to develop proprietary MethylPlex(R) diagnostic and predictive tests for methylated DNA biomarkers discovered for prostate, bladder, breast, and lung cancer. Rubicon will continue to offer commercial services for whole genome and whole transcriptome amplification from DNA, serum, and formalin-fixed sections. OmniPlex(R), EnzyPlex(R), GenomePlex(R), MethylPlex(R), and TransPlex(R) are trademarks of Rubicon Genomics.

Cautionary Statement: This release contains forward-looking statements relating to future performance, goals, strategic actions and initiatives and similar intentions and beliefs and other statements regarding the Companies' expectations, goals, beliefs, intentions and the like, which involve assumptions regarding the Companies' operations and conditions in the markets the Companies serve. The Companies do not undertake any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

