Sigma Introduces New Integrated Lysis and Affinity Purification (iLAP) Columns

13 Jan 2006

Sigma, a division of Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (Nasdaq: SIAL), has launched a new HIS-Select™ iLAP™ 5 ml Column (Product code H9913).

The HIS-Select iLAP column is an innovative, patent-pending method that combines cell lysis and histidine- tagged protein purification steps into one step, allowing fast, efficient and non-denaturing protein extraction directly from microbial cultures.

The HIS-Select iLAP column consists of a novel single-use, disposable column designed for the one-step purification of histidine-tagged proteins directly from a 5 ml bacterial culture. This product maximizes the speed and efficiency of recombinant protein extraction while eliminating sample loss. The column contains highly specific HIS-Select™ nickel chelate matrix and highly efficient CelLytic™ Express, both present in a convenient tablet format. The column is designed for the simultaneous, direct lysis of a 5 ml bacterial culture and affinity capture of the target histidine-tagged protein without any additional manipulation required (such as centrifugation). As the culture is lysed in the column, the target protein is captured on the same highly selective HIS-Select Affinity Gel. The relatively high capacity feature of these columns enables capture of at least 1-2 mg of histidine-tagged protein per column, making them ideal for confirming expression of a histidine-tagged target protein, for performing protein:protein interaction assays, or for rapidly screening colonies or multiple constructs (cultures). The resulting purified protein is compatible with protein assays, SDS-PAGE, Western blotting and MALDI.

"The HIS-Select iLAP technology has dramatically simplified purification of histidine-tagged recombinant proteins directly from bacterial cultures," said Michael Hadjisavas, Global Strategic Marketing Manager, Proteomics, at Sigma-Aldrich Corporation. "This new 5 ml column format allows for the rapid screening of recombinant clones for protein expression and subsequent protein characterization," he added. "Since this technology allows for simultaneous cell lysis and protein purification, it will significantly reduce purification time as well as sample handling, minimizing the potential for protein loss or damage. As a leader in protein purification, we have taken efficiency one step further by introducing a technology which improves the speed and efficiency by which recombinant proteins can be purified."

