Sigma Launches Human Plasma Depletion Technology for Proteomics and Human Disease Biomarker Discovery

30 Jan 2006

One of the most significant challenges facing scientists in clinical proteomics is the inability to detect the majority of low abundance proteins in plasma, which are the mediators of disease or drug efficacy. Sigma, a division of Sigma-Aldrich Corp. (Nasdaq: SIAL), introduces the new ProteoPrep® 20 Plasma Immunodepletion Kit.

The patent pending ProteoPrep 20 Kit removes 99% of twenty high abundant plasma proteins using a proprietary multivalent antibody affinity media in a convenient spin column format resulting in removal of 97% of the overall protein mass. The unique high-density antibody affinity media enhances the ability to visualize low abundance proteins in the plasma proteome using standard analysis technology. Additionally, the multivalent antibody resin utilizes novel recombinant antibodies that allow for a significantly higher density of conjugation and hence, efficiency of depletion with minimal sample loss or dilution. Sigma has developed the technology in cooperation with leading scientists in proteomics and through knowledge gained as a participant in the Human Proteome Organisation (HUPO) Plasma Proteome Project.

“The innovative depletion technology greatly enables deeper penetration into the plasma proteome and will facilitate the discovery of new potential biomarkers in cancer research and many other areas using proteome analysis”, said Michael Pisano, President and Co-Founder of Proteomic Research Services, a proteomics services company in Ann Arbor, Michigan. “We have been able to show that after depletion with the ProteoPrep 20 Kit, proteins can be identified that were previously not detected from either whole plasma or following depletion with standard tools.”

“The launch of the ProteoPrep 20 Plasma Immunodepletion Kit significantly improves the capabilities of our customers in the proteomics area to visualize and analyze very low expressed proteins”, commented George Lipscomb, Product Manager, Proteomics at Sigma-Aldrich. “It exemplifies our commitment to provide innovative solutions and our capability to develop new products in a close relationship with our customers and the scientific community. The ProteoPrep Kit is clearly a result of Sigma working with our customers and addressing their needs.”

