Sirius Analytical launch new SiriusT3 instrument for pKa, logP/D and solubility measurement

29 Mar 2009
Gabriela Cimpan
Engineer / Validation

Sirius Analytical Ltd., (UK), a leading provider of instrumentation and analytical services to the pharmaceutical and biotech industry, have launched a new automated instrument for measurement of ionisation (pKa), lipophilicity (logP/D) and solubility (kinetic and intrinsic) using sub-milligram quantities of drug sample.

The SiriusT3 system is a new state of the art hardware platform designed by Sirius to bring a new level of automation and quality to these difficult measurements.

Comprised of three separate hardware modules (Dispenser, Titrator and Autoloader), the SiriusT3 offers unparalleled automation features including automatic precision dispensing of all assay reagents, automated movement of experiment probes through buffer calibration positions and cleaning stations, built in automatic turbidity sensing and a built in ultrasonic bath for handling even the most insoluble drug candidates.

The SiriusT3 can be obtained in a variety of different configurations, from low to high throughput, suiting the needs of both early discovery screening departments and late stage formulation groups. A clear and straightforward upgrade route allows throughput to be expanded as and when required.
The SiriusT3 Autoloader module supports 192 assay positions and in conjunction with Sirius’ unique Fast UV pKa method, it can screen compounds for pKas in just 4 minutes per assay, allowing for hundreds of high quality measurements per day, with 40 to 50 datapoints measured directly by a pH electrode and multi-wavelength UV/Vis spectroscopy system.

SiriusT3 assay setup and data analysis software has been designed to offer maximum ease of use and features built-in optimized routines for handling even the most challenging of compounds.

Jon Mole, Sirius’ Technical Sales Manager, said “The launch of the SiriusT3 represents the culmination of over six years of intensive product development and customer research to deliver the next generation system for pKa, logP/D and solubility by automated titration. With a new miniaturized platform we have delivered a system which can surpass the quality and automation of our industry renowned GLpKa system whilst reducing sample consumption by up 90%. Other commercial systems which rely on large sample quantities, manual movement of assay probes, or the use of multiple pH buffers for data collection cannot match the reliability and depth of information that the SiriusT3 can provide with ease. ”

