Sistemic’s SistemRNA Platform Selected by Redx Pharma for Drug Development Screening

5 Apr 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

Fast growing Sistemic has signed a master service agreement with Redx Pharma, to provide its SistemRNA™ suite of drug development tools, to accelerate Redx Pharma’s preclinical development pipeline, of over 250 new drug candidates.

The SistemRNA™ approach offers a new way to accelerate drug development pipelines in a cost effective manner through the use of their intelligent and instructive microRNA-based screening platform. SistemRNA™ essentially identifies drug effects by associative changes in microRNA expression profiles and their analysis in context against Sistemic’s growing proprietary database of known drug responses, SistemKB™. The compounds are then fully characterised on the basis of indication, mechanism of action, off-target effects and toxicology profile (SistemTOX™).

Sistemic’s primary business is focussed on providing innovative microRNA-based problem-solving services and kit-based products to areas of unmet need within Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology markets and the Cell Therapy community. MicroRNAs are seen as the master controllers of a cell and as such Sistemic believe that they are providing instructive information on effects on a whole cell or organism rather than an isolated pathway.

This system approach means that the data produced is more indicative of the biology and more diagnostic of actual effect. Sistemic Chief Executive Jim Reid commented, "The broad applicability of microRNA profiling and the unique insight it can give is now becoming more widely accepted. This agreement confirms this developing acceptance and the endorsement from Redx Pharma is a great boost for Sistemic.” In addition to the extensive suite of tools for the drug development sector Sistemic have a range of tools for the Cell Therapy community including SistemQC™, which is used to characterise cells including stem cells, as well as monitoring the QC of production.

