Smart Freeze Dryer technology delivers robust ROI to R&D labs

19 Mar 2008

A new application case study that discusses how scientists in the R&D divisions of a large pharmaceutical company and a blue-chip biotech firm spent several months using FTS SMART Freeze-Dryer™ technology for freeze-dry cycle development work has been published by Genevac, an SP Industries company.

The case study describes how each lab used SMART technology to develop an optimised cycle for a single formulation and then compared the new approach with their traditional cycle development protocol. The case study reports how both labs decreased their development time and expense thus allowing them to break even on their SMART equipment investment in less than three months. The primary savings were achieved through the SMART technology's ability to deliver optimised freeze-dry cycles after just a few experimental runs. The average reduction in experimental lyophilisation cycles used by the labs was 78% (from 9 to 2), thus allowing researchers to allocate their valuable time and expertise to issues such as formulation development and thermal characterization. In addition the SMART technology approach generated process data - such as product resistance and heat flow - not available from the traditional freeze drying methodologies.

Available exclusively on the FTS LyoStar II freeze-dryer, SMART Freeze-Dryer technology packages control algorithms developed by leading world experts in freeze-drying technology into an easy-to-use cycle development tool. SMART takes the guesswork out of freeze-dry cycle development saving precious time, eliminating product waste and getting products to market faster. SMART also safely produces streamlined cycles that shave days off traditional freeze-drying processes.

For a copy of the application case study 'Smart Freeze Dryer technology delivers robust ROI to R&D labs', please contact Genevac.

