Smart selection: Choosing the right HPLC solution for your analytical needs

Discover the latest HPLC technologies helping users meet their analytical goals and deliver quality results

6 Apr 2022
Carrie Haslam
Associate Editor

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) – which works by separating individual compounds based on their polarity - has become one of the most fundamental techniques used within the analytical laboratory. HPLC separation is distinct from liquid chromatography (LC) in that solvent passes through the column under high pressure, making separations much faster and, in turn, reducing solvent consumption. Universally recognized for delivering both precision and accuracy, HPLC has continued to grow in popularity over recent years, particularly for those working within the pharmaceutical sector. HPLC market growth has been driven by the high sensitivity and accuracy HPLC provides, making it an ideal tool to analyze drug ingredients quantitatively and qualitatively during the manufacturing process. In this article, we explore the latest in HPLC technology, outline how users could know when it is the right time to invest in a new instrument, and what key factors to consider when purchasing HPLCs for their individual lab needs.

Choosing the perfect HPLC solution

Bringing your lab up to speed with a new HPLC system can be a challenge. Users must consider their needs regarding application type, sample and separation chemistry goals, column size, throughput, accuracy, and sensitivity.

To help you succeed in your search, explore the ChroZen HPLC platform, a fifth-generation HPLC instrument from YOUNG IN Chromass, and learn how the ChroZen has been specifically designed to deliver reliable, accurate, and robust data to all analytical users. This resource also introduces the FlowMasterTM Technology and details how this tool can deliver fast response times, with a capacity for 30 cm columns up to 4 ea. Plus, find out how this platform is designed to yield the most accurate and precise flow rate by building a unique algorithm to make correct predictions for compressibility compensation of solvent in any condition, providing optimum productivity, reliability, and throughput.

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To find out more about this platform, hear from Chong Woong Paik, CEO of YOUNG IN Chromass, to discover more about its success developing GC, HPLC, and water purification systems, learn how its technology has advanced since 1992, and find out how artificial intelligence is implemented into the ChroZen HPLC for accurate and precise flow rate control.

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Factors to consider when purchasing a new HPLC

It can be challenging to decide when it’s time to update your HPLC system. However, there are several signs to look out for that show it could be time for you to invest in a new instrument. Some of these signs include if you’re waiting for results for prolonged periods or if the results you’re obtaining from your HPLC aren’t giving you enough information about your sample. In this video, explore the different signs that show it’s time to update your HPLC system.

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There are many HPLC suppliers on the market and it can be difficult choosing an HPLC system that will best meet your laboratories requirements. When choosing an HPLC, several factors need to be considered such as the limit of detection, performance, and ease of use of the instrument. To help with the decision-making process, watch this video guide on top things to consider when purchasing an HPLC.

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Introducing the ChroZen HPLC by YOUNG IN Chromass

YOUNG IN Chromass offers a reliable, sensitive, and productive solution to meet laboratories' HPLC requirements. Featuring FlowMasterTM technology, the system provides accurate and precise flow rate control for any experimental condition. The system also features an active wash ensuring low carry-over of the sample between injections. Plus, the system is compatible with a range of detectors, making the instrument suitable for a variety of different applications.

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