SP Industries Inc. Has Chosen the ACS Fall Show in Washington D.C (USA) to Exhibit its Latest New Products and Application Innovations

12 Jul 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Fast, sample safe evaporative removal of large volumes of solvent is of considerable interest to many chiral synthesis, environmental analysis, medicinal chemistry and natural product laboratories. Traditional techniques used for these applications have many shortfalls.

Visitors to Booth 620 will be able to see how revolutionary new technology in the Genevac ROCKET™ Evaporator enables it to dry or concentrate as many as six large volume flasks (each containing up to 450ml solvent) five times faster than conventional rotary evaporators. In addition, with SampleGenie technology large volume samples can be concentrated or dried directly into a small vial, eliminating post evaporation reformatting steps which minimises sample loss and maximises laboratory workflow.

Also on display will be a new budget priced version of Virtis AdVantage Plus freeze dryer that includes a package of popular accessories. The Virtis AdVantage Plus is a fast and efficient benchtop system that can freeze dry bulk product or be configured for applications in stoppered vials or flasks. Featuring the latest advances in benchtop freeze drying, the compact AdVantage Plus can be configured with up to three fluid-cooled shelves which maintain precise temperature control previously available only in pilot and production scale units.

