SP Scientific Announces ‘Hands-On’ Freeze Drying Training Courses in 2017
5 Oct 2016
SP Scientific, the market leader in freeze drying educational events, reports on the enthusiastic response from past attendees at its 'Hands-On' training courses and announces dates for its 2017 program.
Over the last 6 years, SP Scientific Hands-On freeze drying training courses have proven invaluable to attendees. Tangible benefits that attendees have immediately realised on returning to work include increased productivity through cutting hours from their freeze drying cycle recipes and troubleshooting real issues faced in their daily work environments.
SP Senior Brand Manager Shireen Scott commented “SP Scientific has developed its program of 'Hands-On' training courses, involving leading lyophilisation experts, to be the best in the freeze drying field. The courses are designed to cater for both first time and experienced freeze drying users. The events combine informed instruction with practical hands-on experiences to assure personnel are fully trained in instrument operation, applications development and maintenance”.
She added "The quality of feedback we receive demonstrates the value that attendees gained by their participation. With attendee numbers limited to only 16 to ensure the quality of each event, in addition to having the October 2016 session completely booked, we have been asked to publish dates for next year’s Hands-On training courses which will be May 16-19 and October 17-20, 2017".
SP Scientific is a leading manufacturer of freeze dryers / lyophilizers, aseptic vial washing and tray loading machines, temperature control/thermal management, centrifugal evaporators and concentrators, glassware washers, and controlled environmental rooms and chambers. The company sells its products under well-known brands including VirTis, Hull, FTS Systems, PennTech, Genevac and Hotpack.