SP Scientific Release New Versatile High Performance Benchtop Freeze Dryer Range
25 Mar 2013
The new VirTis BenchTop Pro freeze dryer range from SP Scientific have been designed to be highly affordable, yet meet the needs of the most demanding research laboratories. Each system can be configured to meet your present and future needs.
Condenser refrigeration packages of -55°C, -75°C, -85°C and -105°C allow you to meet the demands of both aqueous or aqueous solvent based formulations. You can configure your system for smaller sample numbers or to process a relatively heavy workload with condenser size choices of 3 liter, 8 liter or 9 liter. This built-in flexibility allows you to maximize the use of the freeze dryer in your lab while not paying needlessly for unnecessary capacity or refrigeration.
Manifolds are available in a variety of easily interchangeable styles. In applications where inorganic solvents are being utilized or you are rack drying and want to ensure visibility an acrylic manifold is the option of choice. For labs tasked with organic solvent applications the stainless steel manifolds will provide a lifetime of use.
Traditional time losses incurred from lengthy condenser defrost and clean-up procedures are minimized with the new hot-gas defrost facility on the BenchTop Pro.
Designed for both the occasional user and freeze drying expert the Benchtop Pro Omnitronics Controller simplifies freeze drying and makes the system easy to operate. One touch start-up and shut down ensure that your product and freeze dryer are protected from inadvertent operational procedures. An intuitive graphic display provides users with at-a-glance understanding of the status of the freeze dryer and whether or not appropriate freeze drying conditions exist. Audible alarms help notify the user of potential problems with the system and hence, with the product. All Omnitronics controllers come complete with a trending screen that allows you to watch critical parameters on an on-going basis if required. Utilizing optional Ethernet control, you can connect the freeze dryer to your network and monitor and control your freeze dryer from any other location on the network. The Ethernet option also allows printout in a batch record, alpha-numeric, type report.