SPEX CertiPrep Ltd Announces the Next Generation 2010 Geno/Grinder® Tissue Homoginiser/Cell Lyser

10 Mar 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

This completely remodeled product is based on the well established 2000 Geno/Grinder®. It employs a unique design for vigorous ‘true’ up-and-down motion. The Geno/Grinder® is capable of processing up to four deep-well titer plates and sample vials from 0.6 to 50mL using one easy to use assembly.

The versatile 2010 Geno/Grinder® now comes with a new robust design and is smaller and lighter without compromising power. The Geno/Grinder® can be used to prepare tissues for extractions of DNA/RNA, proteins and volatile organics such as pesticides using QuEChERS method. Sample material includes seeds, stems, roots, leaves, fruits, vegetables, and animal tissues. Samples can be pulverized with or without buffer using a variety of grinding media. In addition to room temperature grinding the Geno/Grinder® is capable of grinding temperature sensitive samples at cryogenic temperatures using our range of Kryo-Tech® accessories.

SPEX SamplePrep LLC, a superior lab equipment manufacturer, has been meeting the needs of spectroscopists for over 50 years. SPEX SamplePrep laboratory mills and grinders, along with laboratory pellet presses and fusion fluxers, are used to prepare samples for a variety of analytical techniques such as XRF, AA, and ICP and have become industry standards for reliability and durability. A full demonstration program allows customers to identify first-hand the products that best fit their application.

