Sphere Fluidics introduces latest version of Cyto-Mine Studio Software Suite

Update offers new functionality to enhance workflows in biologics discovery and cell line development

27 Aug 2019
Charlie Carter
Life Sciences Editor

Sphere Fluidics, a company commercializing single cell analysis systems underpinned by its patented picodroplet technology, has introduced an updated version of its Cyto-Mine® Studio Software Suite, a collection of software controlling operation of its Cyto-Mine Single Cell Analysis System, data acquisition and follow-up analysis. The latest software version includes new functionality to further enhance users’ workflows in biologics discovery and cell line development.

Sphere Fluidics’ Cyto-Mine integrates selective screening of tens of millions of single cells, sorting, dispensing and imaging for clone verification into a single automated platform. The updated Cyto-Mine Studio Software Suite enables all assays to progress automatically from priming to the end of incubation, removing the need for user interaction during these steps. Variable picodroplet generation numbers, ranging from 1–2 million may also be selected, and pooled picodroplet dispensing allows researchers to dispense all sorted picodroplets into a single well, providing more sample for further processing and analysis downstream. It also features a barcode scanner, which is compatible with many barcode systems, to facilitate picodroplet tracking. All data from detected, sorted and dispensed picodroplets are now saved in the local Cyto-Mine database along with experiment configuration parameters and assay results, allowing centralized archiving of experimental data and improved performance of the enhanced data analysis software. Experimental reports summarizing assay results and detailed information on individual picodroplets and their content are also generated.

Marian Rehak PhD, Vice-President of R&D at Sphere Fluidics, commented: “The flexibility of Sphere Fluidics’ Cyto-Mine platform makes it suitable for single cell analysis and monoclonality assurance across a variety of application areas. We’re continually striving to improve workflows for researchers and are pleased to introduce the latest version of our Cyto-Mine Studio Software Suite, particularly the pooled picodroplet dispensing functionality which supports the screening of an entire B cell population (obtained from an immunized mouse) twice to allow improved and faster selection of antigen-specific antibodies during antibody discovery.”

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