SRU Biosystems Introduces Label-free Instrument & Applications for Stem Cells at SBS 2010

5 Apr 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

SRU will feature the first-of-its-kind label-free, high resolution reader, the BIND® SCANNER, at booth 710. The BIND® SCANNER is designed for low cell number, high throughput primary and stem cell assays such as cytotoxicity, chemotaxis and differentiation. The SCANNER will also be featured in a technical workshop on Tuesday, April 13th at 8:00am as well as in several scientific posters.

Also in SRU’s booth will be 2 other label-free BIND Readers ideal for low to high throughput biochemical and cell-based applications. Stop by and discuss your application needs with our scientific booth staff or pick up information about our latest applications including cytotoxicity, chemotaxis, ion channel and GPCR profiling assays.

Booth 710

New Products:
The BIND SCANNER® for label-free, primary cell, stem cell and low cell number assays requiring well below 1,000 cells per well.

Tuesday, April 13th, 8:00-8:45am
Room 129B
Demonstration of Novel GPCR & Stem Cell Activity using BIND® Label-free Technology.
• Initial Characterization of Partial Agonists Using Label-Free BIND Technology. Dr. Scott Perschke, Caliper Discovery Alliances & Services (CDAS), USA
• Label-free Stem Cell Assays: Chemotaxis, Differentiation and Cytotoxicity using the new BIND SCANNER. Dr. Steven Shamah, SRU Biosystems, USA

Wednesday, April 14th, 1:30-2:15pm
Room 129B
Recent Advances in Cell Adhesion and Platelet Activation Label-free Assays.
• Identification of compounds that inhibit cell adhesion using BIND label-free technology. Dr. Michael Bova, Elan Corporation, USA
• Detection of platelet adhesion and activation-related morphological changes on the SRU BIND® Reader. Dr. Yuval Blat, Bristol-Myers Squibb, USA

• High-Throughput Label-free, BIND® Assays for Monitoring Stem Cell Differentiation
• Chemotaxis in High-Throughput: Label-Free and Transwell-Free BIND® Assays
• Profiling Compound Toxicity using Label-Free BIND® Technology from SRU Biosystems
