Stable growth conditions - Patent for Intelligent Fail-Safe Monitoring granted

14 Feb 2007

Precision details are important for BINDER GmbH customers. BINDER chambers are used to simulate physical, chemical and biological environmental conditions for cell culture growth.

Optimal cell growth requires a stable and balanced pH. An initial pH from pH 7.2 to 7.4 provides virtually ideal conditions. Cell cultures are extremely sensitive to equilibrium fluctuations. A constantly controlled CO2 feed will maintain the necessary pH stability within the incubator.

BINDER now offers an up-to-date and patented Intelligent Fail-Safe System for monitoring the CO2 concentration in its CO2 incubators. During normal operation, the information for the gas consumption needed to reach the selected CO2 concentration is recorded. During cell cultivation, the actual gas feed is permanently and automatically monitored and compared to the recorded value data. In the event of deviations, the Intelligent-Fail-Safe-System controls the CO2 feed, providing immediate pH stabilization. This eliminates any adverse effects on cell growth that may otherwise occur when pH values are outside of tolerance limits, as a result of a defective sensor or controller, for example. BINDER has been granted a patent for its Intelligent Fail-Safe System under reference No. DE-10128822. This patented system is available for CB series CO2 incubators.

