Stago Launches STA R Max2 with Expert Pre-Analytical Check Module

STA R Max2 improves HIL detection and gives greater confidence in sample integrity

20 Sept 2017
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

Stago has introduced the latest member of the Max Generation, the STA R Max2. This high-throughput system incorporates the Expert Pre-analytical Check (EPC), a special module to help detect hemolysis, icterus and lipemia (HIL) interferences. The STA R Max2 also incorporates new single resolution pipettors (PSR) which improve precision and reduce hands-on maintenance time.

The STA R Max2 includes a number of time-saving features to improve productivity and efficiency. It can operate from a large index range without any dilution, requiring no extra plasma volume. The new instrument also carries out an automatic sample volume check prior to analysis.

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When the EPC module is running, there is no effect on throughput. “The addition of the EPC detection module delivers greater confidence in overall performance,” says Gillian Eyre, sales and marketing manager, Stago UK. “The lab can quickly verify sample integrity as well as the overall quality of results. Users also save time because they no longer have to check sample quality before loading. The instrument does this automatically and sends an alert if there is an issue.”

Pipetting benefits reduce user maintenance

With the new PSR system, there is no longer any need to replace parts that were in the Hamylton syringe configuration. “Stago estimates that labs can reduce user maintenance time by up to 76%, compared with previous models, when using a cap-piecing module, and 36% without a cap-piecing feature,” Ms. Eyre added. “This provides more time for validations and other essential tasks – and importantly results’ interpretation.”

The Max portfolio of hemostasis analyzers was designed for ‘hub and spoke’ networks, with the STA R Max2 specially developed for high volume laboratories. It is able to deliver a high throughput, even with a mixed panel of tests. These scalable platforms can be adapted to any laboratory set-up, either as stand-alone systems or connected to the lab’s automation track system. “They bring productivity and reliability to laboratories for both routine and specialized hemostasis assays,” added Ms. Eyre.

Multiple loading, the STA R Max2 takes 1,000 cuvettes, up to 215 samples and the choice of up to 75 cooled reagent positions. The system is able to handle all sizes of tube, including pediatric and small volume samples. Ergonomically designed, the STA R Max2 is ready to operate 24/7 without any start up time required.

Incorporates STA Coag Expert

The Stago STA Coag Expert is a feature of all the systems within the STA R Max portfolio. It delivers accurate auto verification, as well as all aspects of quality control management. Its expert rules automatically manage dilutions, reruns, reflex testing and add-on tests.

Ms. Eyre explained: “Stago’s STA Coag Expert rules automatically manage and prioritize STAT samples to ensure a turnaround time (TAT) of less than 10 minutes, while reducing operator intervention. In addition, the software monitors overall performance, helping laboratories manage their targets for delivering patient results.” The Coag Expert also provides the option to activate additional rules to improve disease management requirements. It enables multi dilution analysis for factor assays in order to detect the presence of inhibitors.

In addition, its viscosity-based (mechanical) detection system enables immediate delivery of accurate and precise results. Advantages include insensitivity to any type of colored plasma, maximum precision for weak clot detection and standardization between Stago systems. Pre-calibration is installed on all the Max analyzers, further saving time and costs.

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