Stand-alone and PC Controlled UV-Visible Series

5 Dec 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

GE Healthcare’s new Ultrospec™ series of dual beam, UV-visible spectrophotometers provides research scientists with a choice of smart instruments with diverse capabilities to deliver reproducible results, precision and ease of use to match a variety of requirements. The series includes Ultrospec 7000/7000PC for day-to-day laboratory activities, Ultrospec 8000/8000PC, and the top of the range 9000/9000PC system for demanding assays. Each version is available as either a stand-alone or PC controlled system.

The Ultrospec range benefits from the following features:

• Dual beam instrument (with a variety of bandwidths)
- Ultrospec 7000/7000PC offers a 2nm bandwidth
- Ultrospec 8000/8000PC offers a 1nm bandwidth
- Ultrospec 9000/9000PC offers variable bandwidth optics – for difficult samples
• Color touchscreen (for stand-alone product)
• USB data and PC connectivity
• European Pharmacopoeia research compatibility (8000/9000 models)
• Datrys Standard (option to upgrade to Datrys Life Science or Datrys CFR)
• Equation Editor software – enabling custom calculations on measured data
• Extended range of accessories available such as thermostatting, Bluetooth™ and Datrys software options.

