Standardisation of Direct Detection of DNA Damage In Cells…

27 Sept 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Amsbio has announced a novel complete assay system for direct detection of DNA damage in cells which includes CometSlides™, reagents, control cells and an electrophoresis unit. The comet assay is the only direct method for the detection of DNA damage in cells.

It is used in cancer research, in genotoxicity studies on environmental mutagens, and for screening compounds for cancer therapeutics. Based on single cell gel electrophoresis in a controlled pH environment, the assay allows the integrity of stained nuclear DNA to be examined and measured.

Until now, a lack of standardisation in electrophoresis equipment, control cells, comet slides and comet reagents created inconsistencies in data generated run-to-run, user-to-user, and lab-to-lab. The new complete assay system from amsbio solves these problems.

The complete assay system includes CometSlides™, reagents, control cells and an electrophoresis unit which retains test cells in a uniquely configured electrophoretic field permitting consistent DNA migration patterns, which are critical for standardisation of the assay. Each lot of the CometAssay™ control cells, reagents and CometSlides™ are tested and qualified for use in the CometAssay™ System.

In combination, the components of the system permit reproducibility and reduce variability between individual users and different laboratories.

