STart Max - Stago’s New Semi-Automated Instrument

Stago Expands Range of Max Generation with Semi-Automated Analyser

10 Oct 2017
Abigail Berry
Administrator / Office Personnel

Stago UK continues to expand the range and functionality of its Max Generation series of haemostasis analysers with the STart Max, its latest semi-automated instrument.

The redesigned system takes the robustness of its predecessor, the STart 4, and delivers greater functionality and practicality alongside a new, streamlined design in line with the current Max Generation family.

Semi-automated analysers are seen in laboratories of varying sizes, suitable for those which handle only a small volume of coagulation tests or used as back-up for the larger Max Generation instruments. However, they are increasingly seen to have a role to play alongside fully automated optical systems as an alternative method for their problematic samples.

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“Problem samples can affect workflow and throughput, especially with labs facing high pressure performance targets,” said product manager Yannig Querel. “As the STart Max is unaffected by HIL interferences, it helps the lab maintain turnaround times if problem samples can be switched to a compact but speedy ally like the Start Max.”

The design of the incubation and measuring positions, the reagents and pipette, and the tilted display have all been reimagined to make them individually more accessible and the overall system simple and easy to use. “The design of the whole Max Generation series is modern and streamlined – but the real benefit is their simplicity of use.”

The main STart Max features include:

  • New quality control and calibration menus
  • Standardised graphical user interface and large colour touchscreen in line with other Max Generation instruments
  • improved traceability
  • Ability to archive patient results
  • Connectivity via a USB port to the hospital LIS as well as Stago’s STA Coag Expert
  • Option to connect a handheld barcode reader.

Request more information about STart Max here

