Streck Signs Distribution Agreement with GenomePrecision Technology

11 Apr 2017
Weylan Kiam-Laine

Streck, Inc. and GenomePrecision Technology, an integrated molecular diagnostics distributor in mainland China, have signed a distribution agreement for Streck’s cell stabilization, molecular, urinalysis and flow cytometry products.

Streck’s cell stabilization products include Cell-Free DNA Urine Preserve; Cell-Free DNA BCT® and Cell-Free RNA BCT® products which stabilize nucleated blood cells, allowing isolation of high-quality nucleic acids for a wide range of downstream applications commonly used in clinical research studies, drug discovery and diagnostic assay development.

Streck’s Molecular Products division is focused on the generation of rapid diagnostic tools that impact healthcare decisions. Streck’s molecular product line includes the ARM-D® Kits for the detection of antibiotic resistance genes by multiplex real-time PCR and the soon-to-launch rapid real-time PCR instrument, the Zulu RT™, capable of 40 cycle reactions in 20 minutes or less. In addition, Streck is developing a library of diagnostics tools that will soon be available in mainland China and the rest of the world.

Streck also offers a comprehensive flow cytometry control product line that ensures the accuracy and reproducibility of all steps involved in the process of immunophenotyping by flow cytometry.

