Stress relief for haematology clinics in Torbay

20 Aug 2007

Haematology clinics at Torbay Hospital are now far less stressful for patients, consultants and laboratory staff alike, thanks to the arrival of an ABX Pentra 60C+ haematology analyser.

Prior to the installation of the new point of care analyser, a 3-month audit had found that it took 48 minutes from patient bleed to results delivery on screen for consultants to view. By using the ABX Pentra 60C+ directly in clinics, turnaround time to results is now just 5 minutes, thereby significantly reducing waiting times. This means that busy haematology clinics, which were being delayed while waiting for results, are now finishing on time.

One of the main reasons for the previous delays in results had been due to difficulties in transporting patient samples to the laboratory. The clinic staff had had to rely on an air tube system, which could be temperamental and slow, and manual transportation in batches using volunteers when available. Consequently, lab staff were having to collect samples themselves and interrupt their own workflow. On arrival in the laboratory, clinic samples were then further interrupting the routine workflow of over 1100 Full Blood Counts per day on the main laboratory analysers.

To reduce these delays and interruptions and to move diagnostics closer to the patient, as endorsed by the Carter Report, the ABX Pentra 60C+ was identified as a point of care (POCT) solution. “We were already very successfully using larger ABX analysers in our main laboratory and to maintain consistency of results we needed to ensure we had identical analytical technology within the new POCT system,” explained Steve Giles, Laboratory Manager at Torbay. “In addition to having the same technology as our mainline ABX haematology analysers, the ABX Pentra 60C+ also uses the same reagents and can be calibrated with the same controls, so we can save both time and money.”

Using the Pentra 60C+ in clinics at Torbay has proved to be extremely easy. The analyser is simply wheeled in at the start of each clinic and following start up and calibration, blood samples are run without delay. Consultants receive a print out of results for immediate use in clinic, but results are also stored onboard the analyser. At the end of clinic on return to the laboratory, results are rapidly downloaded to the host system via the ABX Pentra ML data manager at the press of a button.

“Ronnie, as we affectionately call our ABX Pentra 60C+, has proved to be an excellent stress reliever on clinic days, as we now have a win win situation for all involved!” said Steve Giles. “Laboratory staff no longer dread haematology clinics and the ensuing sample backlog, and they even look forward to being on the rota to run Ronnie in clinic as a break from the routine. Our four consultant haematologists are also extremely happy, since they can now see their patients on time, meaning that waiting times are minimal and patients can also better plan their lives.”

The successful arrival of the new point of care analyser is further verified by Dr Nichola Rymes, Haematology Consultant at Torbay, "Ronnie has made all the difference to our haematology clinics, and the patients love it. The only downside is that we can no longer blame the lab if the clinic ever falls behind!"

When asked about future plans for ‘Ronnie’, Steve Giles explained, “Now that we’ve solved all the problems associated with haematology clinics, we are looking to put Ronnie to further good use in other point of care situations. One key area would be on our oncology outpatient ward where STAT counts for walk in chemotherapy patients are required before 10.30am on a daily basis. Such immediate delivery of results would again be a great boost to patients, consultants and lab staff alike.”
