Successful Launch of New 2-Channel Logger

16 Mar 2007

If success is judged by the number of units sold in the first few weeks following a product launch, OTT Hydrometry’s new ‘DuoSens’ two channel battery-powered datalogger might claim to be the most successful in the Company’s history.

Previously ‘Thalimedes’ a digital water level logger, was sold in the highest numbers but UK Managing Director, Simon Wills says “DuoSens looks set to break all records; production is running at full capacity in order to keep up with demand. We have received orders for literally hundreds of loggers because, for the first time, customers are able to buy small, cost-effective loggers with the functionality of their larger more expensive predecessors.”

The DuoSens has been designed for OTT traditional markets in Hydrometry, Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring, but the inbuilt flexibility of the logger makes them suitable for a wide variety of applications. Typical sensors include rainfall, temperature, water level, humidity etc. However, SDI12 capacity will facilitate the collection of a wider variety of parameters including water quality.

Available in two versions, the DuoSens can be supplied with a built-in display and control button or without either feature in the more cost-effective basic model.

Flexibility is a key component of every DuoSens feature; the logger software is available in three versions ranging from the ‘Hydras 3 Basic’ for set-up and download to full script programming and an integrated web server with ‘Hydras 3 Pro.’ Communication can be undertaken by almost any means including cable, infrared, GSM and satellite telemetry. DuoSens is also modular in design so that loggers can ‘piggy-back’ to extend capacity.

Alarms can be easily created and outputs initiated automatically. These can be electronic outputs or SMS or email messages.

In summary, the DuoSens represents a major leap forward in logging, data management and communication technology – an outstanding success by any measure.

