SurModics to Launch New BioFX TMB Extended Range HRP Microwell Substrate at AACC

20 Jun 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

SurModics has announced that it is to launch the new BioFX TMB Extended Range HRP Microwell Substrate (TMBX) at the AACC Lab Expo and Meeting next month. The TMBX substrate is the most recent addition to the SurModics family of TMB HRP Substrates.

Substrate choice is a critical consideration during assay development and can impact factors such as sensitivity, dynamic range and reproducibility. Use of TMBX in a quantitative assay can increase the assays upper limit of quantitation as well as maintaining the detection limits, and analytical sensitivity achieved with other substrates in our TMB family. Use of TMBX also improves the reproducibility of the assay through lower backgrounds and control of assay timing.

Although many research scientists view substrates as less critical to immunoassay performance than antibodies and other reagents, the right substrate can make a substantial contribution to the overall sensitivity of your assay. SurModics® offers a variety of colorimetric TMB substrates and complementary novel stop solutions available in both bulk and custom dispenses.

TMBX is a one-component substrate that requires no preparation prior to use.

You can visit SurModics at AACC 2012 Clinical Lab Expo, July 17-19, at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, CA - Booth 2246.

