Swift Presents Solutions for Improving Whole Genome Sequencing on Illumina® Platforms at ASHG

Sample preparation solutions for unique applications and difficult samples

21 Sept 2015
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Swift Biosciences will be attending ASHG 2015 to present its innovative solutions for NGS and genomics sample preparation. Visit the Swift Biosciences booth #1809, October 7-9, 2015, to learn more about the range of technologies on offer, including Accel-NGS® products, designed to streamline traditional workflows for library preparation. Other technologies include Accel-Amplicon™ panels that provide detection of cancer samples and other disease states. Plus, learn more about Swift Biosciences’ specialized products for unique applications and difficult samples, specifically cfDNA and FFPE, with inputs at low picogram levels.

Also, be sure to attend the Swift Biosciences lunchtime seminar ‘Improving Whole Genome Sequencing on Illumina® Platforms’ to hear industry experts talk about new methods for enhanced library preparation.

Hear Dr Vince Magrini, Ph.D, Director of Technology Development, McDonnell Genome Center at Washington University, discuss a new method for rescuing FFPE samples from breast cancer tissue. A second talk by Donna M. Muzny, M.Sc., Director of Operations, Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine, will focus on library prep for enhanced NGS applications.

The seminar will take place at 1pm on Thursday October 8 at the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel, Chesapeake II Ballroom, 3rd Floor, where lunch will be provided.

