Synthos 3000 – Enhanced Parallel Microwave Synthesis

27 Nov 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

The new high-throughput Rotor 4×24MG5 is specially designed for library generation of valuable targets in gram scale and parallel method optimization in microwave synthesis. Its reliable setup features 96 disposable glass vials arranged in Silicon carbide blocks with convenient 6×4 matrix.

Silicon carbide ensures utmost temperature homogeneity for small-scale microwave-mediated synthesis and enables even efficient application of low-absorbing solvents. Reaction monitoring is achieved by sensing the IR temperature of the SiC surface. Effective sealing with screw caps allows using standard 5 mL glass vials for reaction conditions up to 200 °C and 20 bar.

The new rotor provides for unproblematic operation of small quantities within the Synthos 3000, thus being a valuable accessory for pharmaceutical research.

• Utmost temperature homogeneity for parallel synthesis optimization
• Application of various solvents within one run
• Inexpensive disposable glass vials

