Target Detective Connects Biological Targets to Molecules

26 Aug 2008

Tocris Bioscience (Bristol, UK) announced today the official launch of Target Detective,, a new search facility that connects biological targets to research molecules.

Target Detective represents a significant development for pre-clinical researchers working in the Life Sciences field because for the first time scientists can connect receptor, enzyme, protein and gene data to Tocris products, through comprehensive 'Target files'.

A Target File consists of a concise summary of the biological target, together with links to external sources of genetic and pharmacological information. Tocris products with activity at each target are listed here allowing rapid identification of the most relevant research tools.

To use Target Detective, start with any of the following biological search terms: Receptor (e.g. CB2), Enzyme (e.g. MEK), Protein (e.g. p53), Gene Name (Human, mouse and rat genes are currently searchable)

The ability to rapidly identify research tools for biological targets in this way is already proving to be extremely popular and at Tocris we are delighted with the response. We will continue to add Target files and products and in the longer term we hope to make this the most useful resource for Life Science researchers on the internet.

