Tecan OEM component automates the ScreeningTool for faster and more precise ion channel screening

15 Dec 2006

npi electronic has chosen Tecan components for its groundbreaking ScreeningTool, which combines a Tecan MSP9250™ liquid handling system with a purpose-designed miniature recording chamber for automated screening of voltage- or ligand-gated ion channels in Xenopus oocytes.

The miniature chamber was originally invented by Prof Hering (patent pending), from the University of Vienna, and its integration with the unique npi electronic TURBO TEC amplifier and Tecan OEM liquid handling system provides unprecedented speed, reproducibility and efficiency for high quality drug screening applications.

"The Tecan liquid handling system is ideal for the ScreeningTool for many reasons and, in particular, its drug applications are very quick," explained Hans Reiner Polder, managing director of npi electronic. "Automating the drug application helps to get more reproducible data as the reliability of the instrument, based on the features of the Tecan liquid handling system, is excellent."

The ScreeningTool is based on the standard two-electrode, voltage clamp screening procedure, but performed in a 15ml bath that requires only minimal amounts of sample, and offers precise, automated drug application with millisecond resolution, high speed voltage clamping and very fast solution changes.

"In the future we plan to develop other versions of the ScreeningTool designed for different cell types and we will be very interested in continuing the collaboration with Tecan, as we had a very good experience with this product," said Mr Polder.

