Tecan's Infinite® F500 Selected for High Sensitivity Botulinum Neurotoxin Assays

6 Mar 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

BioSentinel has selected Tecan's Infinite® F500 as the reader of choice for its high sensitivity botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) assays. Dr Ward Tucker, Director of Research and Development at BioSentinel, explained: "Our fluorescence¬-based BoTest® and BoCell® assays were developed using a high end, monochromator-based reader; however, we needed a more cost-effective solution that we could recommend to customers who did not already have fluorescence detection capabilities."

"The Infinite F500 was clearly the best match for our needs. Its standard filter sets are well suited to our assays, and it offers us the flexibility to optimize the number and location of reads within the well. Automated Z¬-optimization ensures that the maximum signal intensity is achieved, further improving the sensitivity of our assays at low BoNT concentrations. The quality of the data achieved using the Infinite F500 was therefore superior to competitor instruments for our assay kits. Combined with Tecan's excellent reputation and the fact that several other molecular diagnostic companies recommend Tecan readers, this made the Infinite F500 the logical choice. Since purchasing our instrument it has been in daily use by multiple users, and has proven both straightforward and reliable to operate; we've not had any issues in terms of functionality and it always performs exactly as we expect."

